Explore Exhibitions

These online exhibitions have been created by and for the Royal BC Museum community. They explore topics of interest that impact the lives of British Columbians.

For The Records

Who keeps our histories? This exhibition space showcases the research of the BC Archives community. Genealogists, historians, and everyday visitors to the BC Archives share how archival records can be used and the unexpected histories housed…

I Am Here

In 2017, the Royal BC Museum worked alongside Cedar Hill Middle School and Spectrum Community School to amplify the voices of Indigenous youth with an exhibition that ran for 18 months in the First Peoples gallery. Through photography and poetry…

Climate Hope

Climate change is already causing untold damage to lives and livelihoods around BC and the world. But, too often, there has been a failure to tell the many human stories about climate disasters: from heat waves and floods to wildfires and…

Finding Nature in the City

Painting of tress in a green field with two buildings in the background.

In cities and towns of all sizes around BC, nature and the city are constantly at play. This could be a quiet park nestled within a neighbourhood of houses, or weeds poking out from the edges of a sidewalk. This exhibition space is geared toward…