Finding Nature in the City

Painting of tress in a green field with two buildings in the background.
Accepting submission types
Digital Item

In cities and towns of all sizes around BC, nature and the city are constantly at play. This could be a quiet park nestled within a neighbourhood of houses, or weeds poking out from the edges of a sidewalk. This exhibition space is geared toward kids and the ways that they see their surroundings, how they see nature in the city, and also perhaps how they see their city in nature. We invite kids and classes around the province to share their experiences through art, images, poetry and stories.

This exhibition space was co-created with Kathryn Cook and her Grade 3/4 class at South Park Family School in Victoria, BC, on the territory of the Lekwungen speaking people (the Songhees and Xwsepsum Nations).

Tall tree with green leaves There are ducks in the distance There are green bushes. Artwork submitted by Eva and poem submitted by Hunter.
I hear ducks quack Peacocks behind the rock Flowers coming soon. Submitted by Aiden.
I see leaves falling I see a memorial I see dead dry leaves. Submitted by Calix.
Green and orange trees I see yellow crumpled leaves I hear birds singing. Submitted by Amelia.
I feel very cold I see a big fat oak tree I see coloured birds. Submitted by Sameer.
Nature in the park Morning light comes through the trees Red flowers bloom tall. Submitted by Lewis.
Long swaying branches Of the big green willow tree Dancing in the wind. Submitted by Pearl.
Yellow caution tape A murder of crows cawing I feel my pencil. Submitted by Cedar.