Pandemic Poem

My Poem "Pandemic" came to me and rolled around in my head for a few days before I woke one morning and wrote it down. This is not unusual for me as I have written and published a book of Poetry - all of which were written the same way. It is just my feelings that have to come out when I feel very strongly about something. I am 72 yrs old and this event is totally new to me - and in fact probably to almost all of us today. When we were in lockdown it was the most eerie feeling to drive downtown and the streets were bare save a few brave souls. On the other hand - there was the kindness that came out. Friends offering to pick up groceries and do anything that we needed. Phone calls to check on each other were being made frequently. The Earth started to heal! It will be very interesting to see how this ends - and when it will end.

Submitted by Carolyn Diana Thompson.
